Simply unzipping a file on Mac Terminal is very fast and easy. The Command to Unzip Files on Mac Terminal Other Parameters to Unzip Files via Mac Terminal.The Command to Unzip Files on Mac Terminal.We can also take a quick look at the background of zip and see why it is used so much. I will show you the straightforward command as well as some other variations of it.

This is a fairly simple process and if you would like to learn how to do it, stick around and keep reading below. I specialize in deploying software to development, test, and production environments, so I use zip files on a daily basis, and doing this in a Mac terminal is nothing new to me.

My name is Eric and I have worked as a software engineer for nearly 25 years. If you’re working from the desktop, Mac’s Archive Utility can easily open these files with just a couple of clicks, but in Mac Terminal, you need to open them from the command line by typing in a specific command. These files are extremely useful when it comes to packaging, compressing, and transferring files from one place to another, but how do you unzip them in Mac Terminal? If you work with any type of computer on a regular basis, you have probably used a zip file at one time or another.